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Don’t Trust Google Maps

This is the third time Google Maps had lead us literally off the beaten path. The first time was in Switzerland when it failed to tell us the road was closed due to snow (we had to backtrack about 50 miles and get a car train). The second time was in Puglia, when it led us down what could be be described as a goat path to get to a village we we trying to visit. And now this time…. We were
headed to see the Lumen Photo Museum which is located at the top of a ski area. Below is a photo of the road that was either a sno cat maintenance road or old logging road. We turned around on that one and eventually found our way to the gondola that took us to the top of the mountain instead of Google Maps trying to drive us to the top.

As I said, the museum is perched at the top of a ski mountain. It is actually built in an old ski lift terminus. The exhibits are all about mountain photography. It’s very well done. There was one exhibit in particular that I liked. I guess I would describe it as a mirror room, so you felt as though you were suspended on the side of what was being shown on the large screen.

And I hope this video comes out. The circle was actually where the first class ski lift customers would enter the terminus. I think it’s very inventive how the museum turned it into a lens.

(Sorry – I will add the video when I get home.  In the meantime, use your imagination with this photo.)