What fun! We were the first guests at Oxygen Altitude Lodge in Lobuche four years ago. We were the only guests at dinner and the only guests at the hotel. What a different atmosphere greeted us this time around! We met the owner’s son who greeted us and offered us wine (which even I turned down-I’m making Base Camp), we ate dinner with a large Romanian group – all fun.

Headed out early toward Goreksep (the village where everyone stages their trek to Base Camp and Kala Patter). All good on the ascent.  Truly, Everest from our angle looks unimpressive compared to the other peaks ( Everest is in the center with what looks like snow blowing off of it to the left).

We finally made it. The route was very crowded compared to last time. We heard and saw a few avalanches coming off the mountains. The last group camping at Base Camp attempting to summit broke camp three days earlier, so we had no groups to talk to.

But, just to summarize, WE MADE IT!!!!