Ok, we had a great view of Everest ( barely discernible in this photo) and fresh snow when we woke up. I have to say, in summary, that the temperatures this time around have been at least 10 degrees warmer (i.e. no changing clothes in our sleeping bags). But there is absolutely no nice way to say this – Goreksep is a shit hole. I won’t post the pictures. TRY to find a Western style toilet in this village – and most likely – everyone else who struggles with a drop toilet has already found it. And if you find it too late the pipes have frozen and everything is backed up. I’ll stop here, but if you want stories of Eric’s and my acrobatics with a drop toilet – call us!

And, since no one asks you if you got down from Everest Base Camp, we decided a helicopter ride back to Kathmandu was the best alternative to another 4-6 days hiking. Fantastic! The countryside is really beautiful. I believe Goreksep is less than 100 miles from Kathmandu as the crow flies. I’ll post some videos when I get home.

We are now back ensconced in the stately Dwarika Hotel in Kathmandu. Showered, shaved, fed (something other than lentils) and libated, it’s great to be back at lower elevations.

All in all, I would have to say the trip was easier on us this time around (I think it had to do a lot with the temperature). We met people from 53 different countries and 15 States. Last time we said, “Never Again!”, but I think this time we will stick to that resolution.