We have now trekked as far as the small village of Dingboche (elevation 4300m). We spend another day here tomorrow to acclimatize before our last push to Base Camp. We have had wonderful weather so far ( the somewhat unreliable forecast calls for rain on the day we are supposed to make base camp), the trek hasn’t been too taxing, and our food and lodging, although basic, have been clean and friendly.

Yesterday, we took a short hike to Ana Dablam Base Camp. Ana Dablam is the sacred mountain of Nepal and Tibet. The vistas were breathtaking, and we will have to spend a lot of time sorting out all the various mountain peaks we saw from our picnic spot in an alpine meadow.


Ana Dablam



By the way, on our hike yesterday we heard a commotion from the Everest Base Camp trail, and got to see a few of the 59 Nepali Runners participating in the Everest Marathon. They started at Everest Base Camp and ran to Namche! Wow!